Touching Tomorrow atPukyong National University



Major of Industrial and Management Engineering & Technology and data Engineering

Major of Industrial and Management Engineering & Technology and data Engineering
Location #618 Gaon Bldg, Daeyeon Campus
TEL +82-51-629-6475, 6476
FAX +82-51-629-6478
Web Site

Systems management and engineering focusies on organic systems involving the complex combination of humans, facilities, supply, information, energy and funds. This kind of system includes not only manufacturing systems like semi-conductor, automobiles and shipbuilding, but also high-value service systems such as supply, finance, information communication, distribution and consulting. Systems management and engineering is a field that combines all these elements, structuring manufacturing and service systems harmoniously, designing systems for optimum values, managing them efficiently and being innovative. This department nutures engineering managers with systematic minds and the ability to undertake management control of element technology of brand-new products and new service creative technology, element technology data manufacturing and application technology. To achieve these aims, we offer synthesized education on engineering management technology such as quality control, management control, management decision making, production/supply and information system design technology based on basic subjects such as the combining and optimizing of systems, data analysis and application, economic evaluation and computer information processing.

부경대학교 전경사진

Types of Certified Licenses

  • National Engineer License : Quality management engineers, information processing engineers, etc
  • Others : Logistic Managers, Electronic commercer, MCSE, etc
  • International Certificate : CPIM (manufacture and storage management), CQE (Quality control)

Possible Careers After Graduation

  • Manufacture : managmenet plan, production control, qualitative management, materials management, production price control, research development, R&D plan control, technology management fields.
  • Public and service industry : Supply and distribution, finance, consulting, education, government companies.
  • Information System : Information technology, inofrmation communication management, system synthesized fields.