Touching Tomorrow atPukyong National University




Location #828, Humanities and Social Sciences·Business Administration Bldg., Daeyeon Campus
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The Division of Economics aims to nurture the type of professional economic people who are required in the knowledge-based society in the 21st century, with its emphasis on high-tech educational instruments.

부경대학교 전경사진
Major of Economics

This acknowledges the major economic problems of the modern world and nurtures intellectuals who can contribute to the development of national and regional society. It focuses on both economic theory and the practical knowledge required in today’s world by focusing on various subjects in the application field, especially in labor-company relationships, financial industry and small and medium enterprise, in order to concentrate on the real application of economic theory. Every year it focuses on important existing economic problems through conferences with invited personnel. It also helps students to choose careers by allowing them to experience various activities related to human resource status, employment form, and the welfare conditions of enterprise through ’industry observation’.

Major of Resources and Information Economics

This addresses general economics and also studies basic economic analysis related to protecting and using natural resources. In particuloars, we teach methods of using natural environment resources efficiently within the boundaries of social economics, including scientific knowledge related to resource development. We place an understanding on related courses by practicing on-site studying to directly experience and recognize maritime, environmental resources, and to understand the current status of resource, spreadout and the use of coastal resources.

Type of Certified License

Distribution managers, survey valuators, chartered accountants, tax accountants, loss adjusters, career consultants, investment consultants, customs house brokers, Certified Public Labor Attorneys, patent Attorneys, financial planners, etc

Career after graduation
  • Major of Economics : Undergraduates enter various fields like enterprise, small and medium enterprises, governmental companies, or become civil servants. By nurturing the type of professionals required by society through the study of various areas related to employment, small and medium enterprise and finance, We enphasize a bright future for our graduates.
  • Major of Resources and Information Economics : After fulfilling the requirements, of this major, undergraduates enter a wide range of fields, not only in governmental organizations and research centers related to general economics, resources, and environmental economics but also public and private enterprises. Civen that many of today’s social problems are related to the environment in various ways, There is an increasing need for professionals who can resolve the resulting social and economic problems.