Touching Tomorrow atPukyong National University


University Philosophy & Concept of Talent

University Philosophy

Creating a bright future for mankind through open thinking

Educational Goal

Fostering talented people of action with open minds and responsibility

University Motto

“The future is in our hands”

인재상 부경인

Multidisciplinary and creative talented people who reflect on history,

respect people, challenge the future, and create values

Core Values

Creation, Convergence, Growth
Communication, Action, Integration

Core Competencies

  • Self-Directed Learning
  • Interdisciplinary Thinking
  • Divergent Linkage
  • Cooperative Communication
  • Cultural Acceptance
  • Social Practice

6 Core Competencies


Self-Directed Learning

Objective Establishment
Self Management

The ability to set clear career goals and study knowledge by self-directed learning


Interdisciplinary Thinking

Knowledge Seeking
Information Integration

The ability to learn extensive knowledge and do multidisciplinary thinking by synthesizing distributed resources and information


Expansive Networking

Perspective Expansion
Creative Solution

The ability to expand perspectives and solve problems in new methods through expert networking


Cooperative Communication

Opinion Expression
Opinion Coordination

The ability to clearly express one’s opinions and coordinate with others by considering their positions


Cultural Inclusivity

Cultural Understanding
Global Sense

The ability to understand local and international cultures and utilize international trends


Social Actions

Community Spirit
Social Contribution

The ability to recognize the role and public responsibility of the community and contribute to the development of local and international communities