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작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
Design and Analysis of a Novel 24 GHz Up-Conversion Mixer with Improved Derivative Super-Position Linearizer Technique for 5G Applications
작성자 SIDDIQUE ABRAR 작성일 2021-10-25
조회수 151
작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
Design and Analysis of a Novel 24 GHz Up-Conversion Mixer with Improved Derivative Super-Position Linearizer Technique for 5G Applications
SIDDIQUE ABRAR 2021-10-25 151
링크 : https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/21/18/6118 Abstract A 24 GHz high linear, high-gain up-conversion mixer is realized for fifth-generation (5G) applications in the 65 nm CMOS process. The mixer’s linearity is increased by applying an Improved Derivative Super-Position (I-DS) technique cascaded between the mixer’s transconductance and switching stage. The high gain and stability of amplifiers in the transconductance stage of the mixer are achieved using novel tunable capacitive cross-coupled common source (TCC-CS) transistors. Using the I-DS, the third-order non-linear coefficient of current is closed to zero, enhancing the linearity. Additionally, a TCC-CS, which is realized by varactors, neutralizes the gate-to-drain parasitic capacitance (Cgd) of transistors in the transconductance stage of the mixer and contributes to the improvement of the gain and stability of the mixer. The measured 1 dB compression point OP1dB of the designed mixer is 4.1 dBm and IP1dB is 0.67 dBm at 24 GHz. The conversion gain of 4.1 dB at 24 GHz and 3.2 ± 0.9 dB, from 20 to 30 GHz is achieved in the designed mixer. Furthermore, a noise figure of 3.8 dB is noted at 24 GHz. The power consumption of the mixer is 4.9 mW at 1.2 V, while the chip area of the designed mixer is 0.4 mm2.