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PKNU Research 1000

New Beginning, New Inspiration

Pukyong National University, the first university in Busan,always paves a new path through specialized and converged research to lead the era of the fourth indutrial revolution.

작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
Noh Young-min | Invented a LiDAR system that monitors and scans fine dust in real-time
작성자 대외협력과 작성일 2021-03-02
조회수 817
작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
Noh Young-min | Invented a LiDAR system that monitors and scans fine dust in real-time
대외협력과 2021-03-02 817

Invented a LiDAR system that monitors and scans fine dust in real-time

Professor Noh Young-min


A system that can observe fine dust in the atmosphere in real time has been developed and it attract the public’s attention. It is the ’High-Resolution Scanning LiDAR System for Monitoring the Distribution of Fine Dust’ developed by the research team of Professor Noh Young-Min (Combined Departments of Environmental Engineering) at Pukyong National University. This system introduces a scanning method to LiDAR technology, and it is a system that can calculates the measured value by dividing the mass concentration of fine dust into PM10 (fine dust) and PM2.5 (extra-fine dust) with a high resolution of 30 m in an observation area with a radius of 5 km. LiDAR is a remote sensing technology that detects the concentration and distance information of the target material we want to observe through the method of irradiating a laser. The research team of Prof. Noh Young-min of Pukyong National University developed this system in collaboration with Hanbat National University and Samwoo TCS Co., Ltd. with the Grant & Alliance (R&D) Project Team (Jo Dae-Hyeon, Team Leader) under Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement (KAIA), Siheung City, and the Advanced Institute of Convergence Technology.

The research team installed this system in Siheung, Gyeonggi-do from September last year to perform observations, and successfully demonstrated by visualizing and expressing the high-resolution mass concentration distribution map of fine dust that could not be provided by the existing air pollution measurement network. The Ministry of Environment has excellently evaluated the system’s ability to detect the spatial distribution map of fine dust and decided to operate a test project for monitoring illegal incineration in rural areas by installing the system in Jeonbuk during the 2nd seasonal fine dust management period (Dec.2020~Mar.2021). Accordingly, Prof. Noh’s research team plans to install a scanning LiDAR system in the region at the end of January and conduct observations for two consecutive months from February to March.



2 March 2021



  노영민 nym@pknu.ac.kr

  환경?해양대학 대기질관리모델링연구실