국립 부경대학교





  • 국립 부경대학교의 다양한 모습과 소식을 접하시면 부경대학교가 한번 더 가까워집니다.
작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
장인화 부산상의 회장, 부경대 동문 됐다Jang In-Hwa, Chairman of the Busan CCI has become a PKNU alumni)
작성자 대외협력과 작성일 2021-06-30
조회수 633
작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
장인화 부산상의 회장, 부경대 동문 됐다Jang In-Hwa, Chairman of the Busan CCI has become a PKNU alumni)
대외협력과 2021-06-30 633

부경대, 장인화 부산상공회의소 회장에게 명예경영학박사 학위 수여
- 29일 학위수여식 개최 … 선진 경영문화 확산 등 경제발전 기여 공로

△ 장인화 회장(가운데)과 장영수 총장(왼쪽), 임준혁 대학원장이 학위기 수여 후 기념촬영하고 있다. ⓒ사진 이성재(대외홍보팀)


국립부경대학교(총장 장영수)는 6월 29일 부산상공회의소 장인화 회장(58)에게 명예경영학박사 학위를 수여했다.

0630 명박 부투 사진2장 회장은 조선용 형강 제품의 국산화로 국내 조선산업 경쟁력을 크게 향상시키고, 일자리 창출과 선진 경영문화를 확산하는 등 대한민국 경제발전에 크게 기여한 공로로 이 학위를 받았다.

장 회장은 1993년 동일철강(주) 대표이사로 취임한 이후 수입에 의존하던 조선용 형강 제품 개발에 성공해 해외시장을 개척한 것을 비롯, 1996년 ㈜화인인터내셔날, 2007년 ㈜화인베스틸을 설립해 혁신경영을 통해 종합 철강 회사로 성장시킨 존경받는 기업인이자 경영인으로 인정받고 있다.

그는 부산 상공계와 체육계를 대표하는 부산상공회의소 회장과 부산광역시 체육회장으로 활동하며 가덕신공항 건설과 2030 부산월드엑스포 유치, 북항 재개발사업 등 지역 주요 현안사업 해결을 주도해왔고, 도쿄올림픽 선수단장이라는 중책을 맡아 활약하는 등 국가 발전에 기여하고 있다.

최근에는 지역 대표 향토기업 대선조선을 인수, 경영정상화를 통해 지역 조선업 발전뿐만 아니라 일자리 창출에도 기여하고, 아너소사이어티 활동 등 지역사회에서 나눔도 활발하게 실천하고 있다.

장영수 총장은 이날 오전 부경대 대학본부 2층 대회의실에서 열린 명예박사학위 수여식에서 식사를 통해 “장 회장님은 누구보다 존경받는 기업인이자 사회지도자로서, 우리 젊은이들이 닮고 싶은 롤 모델.”이라며 “경제발전과 지역사회 발전을 선도하고 계시는 장 회장님께 명예박사 학위를 드리게 돼 기쁘게 생각한다.”라고 말했다. 


0630 명박 부투 사진 3
△ 장인화 회장이 답사를 하고 있다. 


장인화 회장은 답사에서 “오늘 새롭게 부경인의 일원이 된 것에 대해 매우 영광스럽게 생각한다. 최근 학령인구 감소로 지역대학들이 많은 어려움을 겪고 있는 만큼 기업인들이 좀 더 책임감을 가지고 부산의 청년들에게 일자리를 만들어 주고, 활발한 산학협력을 통해 창업에 뜻이 있는 청년들을 도와주도록 힘을 쏟겠다.”라고 밝혔다. <부경투데이>


명예박사 학위수여식 1

△ 장영수 총장이 학위수여식사를 하고 있다.

0630 명박 부투 사진4
△ 학위수여식 전경.

명예박사 학위수여식 2

△ 행사 참석자들이 국민의례를 하고 있다. 

명예박사 학위수여식 3

 △ 장영수 총장이 학위복 후드를 입혀주고 있다. 

명예박사 학위수여식 4

△ 장인화 회장과 부인이 꽃다발을 받고 있다. 

명예박사 학위수여식 5

△ 장영수 총장, 장인화 회장과 부산 상공계, 체육계 관계자들이 기념촬영하고 있다. 

명예박사 학위수여식 6

△ 학위수여식 참석자들이 행사 후 대학본부 앞에서 단체 기념촬영하고 있다. 


PKNU conferred an honorary doctorate in business administration to Jang In-Hwa, the Chairman of Busan CCI

- At the commencement on the 29th ... he was recognized for his contributions to economic development; spreading advanced managerial culture


Pukyong National University (President Jang Young-Soo) conferred an honorary doctorate degree in Business Administration to Mr. Jang In-Hwa (age 58), the Chairman of the Busan Chamber of Commerce & Industry, on June 29th.


He received the degree from the university for his contribution to the economic development of Korea, such as greatly improving the competitiveness of the domestic shipbuilding industry through the local acquisition of shape steel products for shipbuilding, as well as job creation and advancing business culture.


After being appointed as the CEO of Dongil Steel Co., Ltd. in 1993, Mr. Jang succeeded in developing steel products for shipbuilding, which had only been available through imports. He also pioneered selling in overseas market. After that, he established Fine International Corporations in 1996 and Fine Besteel Co., Ltd. in 2007, and has been recognized as a respected entrepreneur and manager who has created a comprehensive steel company through innovative management.


While serving as the president of the Busan Chamber of Commerce & Industry and the Busan Metropolitan City Sports Council, he has been leading the resolution of major local issues such as the construction of new Gadeok Airport, attracting Busan World Expo 2030, and the Busan North Port Redevelopment Project. He is contributing to national development, by doing such things as playing an active role as the head of the Tokyo Olympic Athletic Team for Korea.


Recently, he took over Daesun Shipbuilding & Engineering Co.,Ltd., a local representative company in the region, and contributed to job creation as well as the development of the local shipbuilding industry through business normalization, and he is actively participating in the local community though activities such as participating in the Honor Society.


President Jang Young-Soo said during a meal for the ceremony for the honorary doctorate at Pukyong National University this morning, "Mr. Jang is the most respected entrepreneur and social leader, and is a role model for our young people," he added, "I am pleased to confer an honorary doctorate to him, someone who is leading economic development and community development."


In his thank-you speech, Mr. Jang said, "Today, I am very honored to be a new member of Pukyong. As local universities are having a lot of difficulties due to the reduction in the number of students recently, I will do my best to help young people in Busan to create jobs and to help youth who are willing to start a business through active industry-university cooperation." <Pukyong Today>