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  • 국립 부경대학교의 다양한 모습과 소식을 접하시면 부경대학교가 한번 더 가까워집니다.
작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
부산시장 참석 '오픈 캠퍼스 미팅' 열려('Open Campus Meeting' with the mayor of Busan)
작성자 대외협력과 작성일 2021-10-01
조회수 583
작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
부산시장 참석 '오픈 캠퍼스 미팅' 열려('Open Campus Meeting' with the mayor of Busan)
대외협력과 2021-10-01 583

“우수 인재 양성·일자리 창출 위해 지··학 협력 확대해야”
- 부산시-부경대, 30일 산학협력 소통 ‘오픈 캠퍼스 미팅’ 개최

△ ‘오픈 캠퍼스’ 행사 전경. ⓒ사진 이성재(대외홍보팀)

부산광역시(시장 박형준)와 국립부경대학교(총장 장영수)는 9월 30일 오후 부경대 동원장보고관 1층 아카데미홀에서 ‘오픈 캠퍼스 미팅’ 행사를 개최했다.

‘오픈 캠퍼스 미팅’은 박형준 부산시장이 지자체·산업체·대학의 협업을 강화하고 지역 대학 위기를 해결하기 위해 대학 캠퍼스를 직접 찾아 청년·대학생, 대학 및 기업체 관계자들을 만나 다양한 의견을 청취하고 해결방안을 모색하는 행사다.

이날 행사는 ‘지·산·학 협력 활성화를 위한 대학 신모델 구상’을 주제로 박형준 시장과 고미자 청년산학창업국장 등 부산시 관계자를 비롯, 부경대 장영수 총장과 오정환 산학협력단장, 교원창업기업과 입주기업, 학생창업기업의 대표 등이 참석한 가운데 약 한 시간 동안 토론방식으로 진행됐다.

이날 박형준 시장은 “부경대가 조성한 부산 대표 산학협력단지 ‘드래곤밸리’에는 260여 개 기업이 입주해 활동하는 등 지··학 협력의 모범이 되고 있다. 이처럼 대학들이 문을 개방하고 지··학이 협력하면 우수 인재를 양성하고 청년을 위한 일자리가 만들어져 청년들이 희망을 가질 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.”라고 밝혔다.

장영수 총장은 “지··학 협력은 우리 대학이 가장 역점을 두는 분야 중 하나로, 대학의 교육이 산학네트워크 확대와 창업으로 이어질 수 있도록 많은 노력을 기울이고 있다. 오늘 이 자리가 지··학 협력의 새로운 길을 내는 출발점이 되기를 바란다.”라고 말했다.

이날 교원창업기업으로 권한상 ㈜엔지엠 대표(신소재시스템공학과 교수)가 “기술 기반 스타트업은 투자 타이밍이 정말 중요하다. 초기 창업기업뿐만 아니라 유망 기업에도 투자 확대가 필요하다.”라고 밝혔고, 우상욱 ㈜팜캐드 대표(물리학과 교수)는 “제약, 바이오산업 분야는 인력 등이 특히 서울과 수도권에 집중돼 있다. 부산에도 이 분야의 좋은 인재를 키울 수 있는 교육센터 구축이 필요하다.”라고 말했다.

이와 함께 학생창업자로 강이록 IROCK 대표는 “창업을 준비하며 교수님의 자문으로 많은 문제를 해결할 수 있었다. 스타트업들이 전문가의 자문을 얻을 수 있는 커뮤니티가 활성화되길 바란다.”라고 했고, 최은교 ltday 대표는 “선후배 청년창업자들끼리 교류하며 난관을 극복해나갈 수 있는 네트워킹 플랫폼이 필요하다.”라고 밝혔다.

한편 부경대는 부산 용당동에 위치한 10만평에 이르는 용당캠퍼스를 기업에 개방해 동남권 최대 산학협력 인프라를 구축하고 맞춤형 지원활동을 펼치고 있으며, 이날 행사를 계기로 지자체와 산업체, 대학 간 유기적인 협력체계를 확대, 강화해나간다는 계획이다. <부경투데이>

1001 오픈캠퍼스 2(축소)

△ ‘오픈 캠퍼스 미팅’ 참가자 단체 기념촬영. 

1001 오픈캠퍼스 3(축소)

△ 장영수 총장(오른쪽)과 박형준 시장이 총장실에서 기념촬영하고 있다.

1001 오픈캠퍼스 4(축소)

△ 오픈 캠퍼스 미팅에서 장영수 총장이 발언하고 있다.


"The key is to expand local, industry, and university cooperation to nurture talented and create jobs"

- Busan City and PKNU held an ‘Open Campus Meeting’ to communicate with industry-university cooperation on the 30th


Busan City (Mayor Park Hyeong-Joon) and Pukyong National University (President Jang Young-Soo) held an 'Open Campus Meeting' event on the afternoon of September 30th at the Academy Hall on the 1st floor of the Dongwon Jang Bogo Hall, Pukyong National University.


This is an event in which Busan Mayor Park Hyeong-Joon strengthens collaboration between local governments, industry, and universities, and visits university campuses directly to resolve local university crises, meets with young people, college students, university, and business officials, listens to various opinions, and seeks solutions.


The event was held under the theme of 'Designing a new university model for revitalizing local, industry, and university cooperation', the discussion was held for about an hour with Busan city officials including such as Mayor Park Hyeong-Joon and Ko Mi-Ja, director of the Youth & Academy Start-up Bureau and Pukyong National University President Jang Young-Soo, Director Oh Jeong-Hwan of the Pukyong National University's Industry-University Cooperation Foundation, and with representatives of faculty start-up companies, campus resident companies, and student start-up companies in attendance.


Busan Mayor Park Hyeong-Joon said, "In ‘Dragon Valley,’ Busan’s representative industry-academic cooperation complex created by Pukyong National University, about 260 companies currently reside and work, setting a model for local, industry, and university cooperation. In this way, I expect that when universities open their doors and local, industry, and university can cooperate, talented will be nurtured and jobs will be created for youth so that they can have hope."


President Jang Young-Soo said, "Local-industry-academic cooperation is one of the areas that our university place the most importance on, and our university is making great efforts so that university education can lead to the expansion of industrial-educational networks and start-ups. I hope that today's meeting will be the starting point for a new path for local, industry, and academic cooperation."


On this day, Kwon Han-Sang, CEO of NGM (Prof., Materials System Engineering) as a faculty start-up company said, “For technology-based start-ups, I think the timing of investment is really important. It is clearly necessary to expand investment not only in early start-ups but also in promising companies.", and Wu Sang-Wook, CEO of PharmCADD (Prof., Physics) said, "The reality is that in the pharmaceutical and bio industries, manpower is especially concentrated in Seoul and the metropolitan area. I think Busan also needs to build an education center that can nurture good talents in this field."


In addition, a student founder Kang I-Rock, the representative of IROCK company, said, "When I was preparing to start a business, thankfully, I was able to solve many problems through the advice of the professor. I hope that the community where startups can get expert advice will become active." and Choi Eun-Gyo, ltday company CEO, said, "I felt the need for a networking platform where older and younger entrepreneurs can exchange and overcome difficulties."


Meanwhile, Pukyong National University opened its 330,578 m2 Yongdang Campus in Yongdang-dong, Busan to companies, building the largest industry-university cooperation infrastructure in the southeast region and providing customized support. The university's plan is to deploy this event as an opportunity to expand and strengthen the organic cooperation system between local governments, industries, and universities. <Pukyong Today>