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작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
부산공유대학 설립, 어떻게? (What is next for the establishment of Busan Sharing University?)
작성자 대외협력과 작성일 2021-10-21
조회수 546
작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
부산공유대학 설립, 어떻게? (What is next for the establishment of Busan Sharing University?)
대외협력과 2021-10-21 546

‘부산지역 공동대학 혁신 전략 포럼’ 열려
- 부경대·부산대·부산교대·해양대 주관 … 부산공유대학 모델 모색

1021 부산 공유대학포럼 1(축소)
△ 장영수 총장이 부산지역 대학혁신 전략포럼에서 축사를 하고 있다. ⓒ사진 이성재(대외홍보팀)

부산형 공유대학 모델을 제시하기 위한 ‘부산지역 공동대학 혁신 전략 포럼’이 10월 20일 파라다이스 부산 2층 카프리룸에서 열렸다.

부산공동대학혁신센터가 주최하고 부경대학교, 부산대학교, 부산교육대학교, 한국해양대학교 등 부산지역 국립대학 혁신네트워크(BNU 4 NET)가 주관한 이번 포럼은 ‘지역혁신플랫폼 구축을 위한 부산 공유대학 모델 모색’을 주제로 온·오프라인 방식으로 진행됐다.

이번 포럼은 교육부 주요 사업인 지역혁신플랫폼 사업 추진 기반을 마련하고 부산형 공유대학 모델을 제시하기 위한 행사다.

이날 김석수 부산대 기획처장의 개회사를 시작으로 차정인 부산대 총장의 환영사, 장영수 총장과 박형준 부산시장, 장인화 부산상공회의소 회장의 축사가 이어졌다.

장영수 총장은 이날 축사에서 “우리는 지자체와 대학, 지역 기관 등이 협력해 대학별 강점을 결집한 지역특화형 대학 모델을 구축해야하는 매우 중요한 지점에 서 있다.”라면서, “대학이 가진 특성화 분야가 지역혁신 플랫폼의 근간이 된다는 생각, 대학의 자산과 역량을 개방하고 공유하는 것이 손해가 아닌 혁신을 위한 발전 동력이 된다는 인식으로 우리 대학도 적극 힘을 보태겠다.”라고 밝혔다.

이어 김석수 부산대 기획처장과 이현규 부경대 기획처장이 발제를 하고, 서동환 한국해양대 기획처장이 좌장을 맡아 ‘부산지역 RIS 사업 및 부산형 공유대학의 방향’을 주제로 토론을 진행했다.

이현규 기획처장은 ‘부산공유대학 모델 개발’을 주제로 한 발제를 통해 “공유대학이란 지자체, 대학, 지역혁신기관, 지역기업 등이 협력해 각각의 장점을 결집시킨 지역특화형 고등교육 모델.”이라면서, “여기에 지역산업의 특성을 결합해야 부산형 공유대학만의 강점을 가질 수 있다. 특성화와 지역특화라는 키워드를 반드시 생각해야만 한다.”라고 말했다.

이어 “부산 공유대학의 플랫폼에서 공유대학의 특성화된 융합전공을 만들고, 학생들이 자유롭게 수강하는 것은 물론, 미 참여 대학 교원과 학생들에게도 플랫폼을 개방해야 할 것이다.”라며, “이를 통해 대학이 혁신하고, 지역이 혁신하며, 우수 인재가 지역에 정주하는 선순환 구조를 가지게 될 것으로 기대한다.”라고 밝혔다. <부경투데이>

211021 ...... ..유대학 포럼 전경(축소)

211021 ...... ..유대학 포럼 2(축소) 

△ 포럼 전경

211021 ...... ..유대학 포럼 관계자 기념촬영(축소)

△ 포럼 참석자들이 기념촬영하고 있다.

'Strategy Forum on Sharing University Innovation for Busan' was held

- Joint host under PKNU, PNU, BNUE, and KMOU took the time to explore the model of Busan Sharing University


The ‘Strategy Forum on Innovation of Joint Universities in Busan’ was held on October 20 in the Capri Room on the 2nd floor of Paradise Busan to present the shared university model for Busan.


This forum, supervised by the Busan Institute for University Innovation (BIUI) and hosted jointly by the Busan National University Innovation Network (BNU 4 NET), including Pukyong National University, Pusan National University, Pusan National University of Education, and Korea Maritime & Ocean University, was held on & offline under the theme of 'Exploring a sharing university model of Busan to build a regional innovative platform'.


This forum is an event to lay the groundwork for promoting the regional innovation platform project, which is the main project of the Ministry of Education, and to present a sharing university model of Busan.


The opening address was given by Kim Seok-Soo, Director of Planning at Pusan National University, followed by welcoming speech by Cha Jeong-In, President of Pusan National University, congratulatory messages by President Jang Young-Soo and Busan Mayor Park Heong-Joon, and Jang In-Hwa, Chairman of Busan Chamber of Commerce & Industry.


President Jang Young-Soo said in his congratulatory speech, "I believe that we are standing at a very important point where local governments, universities, and local institutions must cooperate to build a regional-bespoke university model that consolidates the strengths of each university," he continued, "With the belief that the specialized fields of the university are the basis of the regional innovation platform, our university will also actively contribute with the recognition that opening up and sharing the university's assets and capabilities is not a loss, but a development engine for innovation."


Then, Kim Seok-Soo, Director of Planning at Pusan National University, and Lee Hyeon-Gyu, Director of Planning at Pukyong National University, gave presentations, and Seo Dong-Hwan, Director of Planning at Korea Maritime & Ocean University, took the chair and held a discussion on the topic of 'Plans for Busan Regional RIS Project and Sharing University’.


Through a presentation under the theme of 'Development of Sharing University Model of Busan', Lee Hyeon-Gyu, Director of Planning and Coordination Office, said, "A sharing university is a regional-specific higher education model in which local governments, universities, regional innovation organizations, and local businesses cooperate to gather their strengths," he added, "I think that by combining the characteristics of local industry with this, we can have the strength of sharing universities tailored to the Busan area. We must think about the keywords of specialization and regional specialization."


He continued, "In my opinion, the platform of the sharing university in Busan should be created with a specialized convergence major for the sharing university, and the students can freely take the course, and the platform should be opened to teachers and students of non-participating universities as well," said, "I believe that this will create a virtuous cycle in which universities innovate, regions innovate, and excellent talents settle in the region." <Pukyong Today>