국립 부경대학교





  • 국립 부경대학교의 다양한 모습과 소식을 접하시면 부경대학교가 한번 더 가까워집니다.
작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
"부산 최초의 대학에서 글로벌 대학으로!" ("PKNU, the first university in Busan, takes a step forward as a Global University.")
작성자 대외협력과 작성일 2021-05-07
조회수 1077
작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
"부산 최초의 대학에서 글로벌 대학으로!" ("PKNU, the first university in Busan, takes a step forward as a Global University.")
대외협력과 2021-05-07 1077

부경대, 개교 제75주년 기념식 개최
- 7일 대학본부 대회의실 … 학술상·신진연구자상 등 시상
부경대 제75주년 개교기념식(2021.5.7) (2)

△장영수 총장 등 교무위원과 수상자 등 개교기념식 참석자들이 대학본부 앞에서 단체 기념촬영하고 있다. ⓒ사진 이성재(대외홍보팀)

국립부경대학교(총장 장영수)는 5월 7일 오전 대학본부 2층 대회의실에서 제75주년 개교기념식을 개최했다.

5월 10일 개교기념일을 앞두고 열린 이날 행사는 코로나19 확산 방지를 위해 총장 및 수상대표자 등만 참석한 가운데 간소하게 진행됐다.

장영수 총장은 개교기념식사에서 “우리 대학은 지역에서 역사가 가장 오래된 부산 최초의 대학으로서 대한민국 근대화의 초석이 된 수많은 인재를 배출했으며, 오늘날 지역과 국가발전에 기여하는 선도 국립대학으로, 세계 70여개 나라의 학생들이 함께 공부하는 글로벌 대학으로 성장했다.”라고 밝혔다.

이어 “오늘날 우리가 ‘혁신 창학 힘찬 도약’의 기치로 추진하는 노력들은 미래 우리 대학이 세계적인 대학, 인류의 새로운 도약에 헌신하는 특성화된 종합대학으로 우뚝 서기 위한 것.”이라면서, “혁신은 고통을 수반한다는 것을 잘 알고 있다. 그 고통이 우리 부경의 미래 세대를 위한 가치 있는 여정이라는 것을 인식하며, 참고 변화하며 전진하자.”라고 강조했다.

이날 국내외 학술지에 우수한 논문을 발표하는 등 학문발전에 기여한 공로로 주동범 교수(평생교육·상담학과), 김군도 교수(미생물학과), 왕제필 교수(금속공학과) 등 3명이 제25회 부경대학교 학술상을 수상했고, 이민규 교수(기술경영학과), 손윤석 교수(환경공학과), 박이슬 교수(화학공학과)는 신진연구자상을 수상했다.

산학공동연구와 기술이전 등 산학협력 발전 공로자에게 수여하는 제13회 부경대학교 산학협력상은 안상욱 교수(국제지역학부), 이창희 교수(기계조선융합공학과), 조승목 교수(식품공학과), 손정현 교수(기계설계공학과), 곽기호 교수(기술경영학과), 김권후 교수(금속공학과)가 수상했다.

이와 함께 심길보 교수(식품공학과) 등 교수 10명은 대학발전공로자상을 받았고, 박원규 교수(자원생물학과), 안상욱 교수(국제

지역학부), 박진욱 팀장(총무과), 전태언 주무관(수해양종합실습센터)이 총동창회장상을 받았다.

유튜브 링크장기근속공로자로 권오붕 교수(기계공학과) 등 교직원 20명이 30년, 이재용 교수(건축공학과) 등 교직원 10명이 20년 장기근속 표창을 받았고, 학생 특별포상은 정인혁 학생(해양바이오신소재학과) 등 32명이 선정돼 표창을 받았다. <부경투데이>


부경대 제75주년 개교기념식(2021.5.7) (1)
△ 장영수 총장이 개교기념식사를 하고 있다.

부경대 제75주년 개교기념식(2021.5.7)-백경탑참배

△ 장영수 총장 등이 개교기념식에 앞서 백경탑을 참배하고 기념촬영하고 있다.

부경대 제75주년 개교기념식(2021.5.7)-국민의례

△ 개교기념식 참석자들이 국민의례를 하고 있다.

부경대 제75주년 개교기념식(2021.5.7)-학술상 수여

△ 장영수 총장이 학술상을 수여하고 있다.

부경대 제75주년 개교기념식(2021.5.7)-총동창회장상수여

△ 이승철 총동창회장이 총동창회장상을 수여하고 있다.

부경대 제75주년 개교기념식(2021.5.7)총동창회장축사

△ 개교기념식에 참석한 이승철 총동창회장이 축사를 하고 있다.


Pukyong National University held a ceremony marking the 75th anniversary

- On the 7th at the conference room in Administration Bldg. Academic awards, Research Rookies awards, etc.


On the morning of May 7th, Pukyong National University (President Jang Young-Soo) held a ceremony to commemorate the 75th anniversary in the conference room on the 2nd floor of the administration building.


The event on this day, which was held ahead of the school's anniversary on May 10th, was conducted simply with the attendance of only the university president and award-winning representatives to prevent the outbreak of COVID-19.


At the opening ceremony, President Jang Young-Soo said, "As the first university in Busan with the oldest history in the region, our university has produced numerous talents that became the cornerstone of the modernization of Korea. As a result, it has grown into a leading national university that contributes to the development of the region and the country today and as a global university where students from more than 70 countries study together."


He continued, "The efforts we are promoting today under the banner of 'New Beginning, New Inspiration' is aimed at making our university stand out as a global university and a specialized university dedicated to a new leap forward for humanity," adding, "We know that innovation comes with pain. Recognizing that suffering is a valuable journey for future generations of Pukyong, let us endure, adapt, and take a step forward for innovation."


On this day, 3 people, including Professor Joo Dong-Beom (Dept. of Lifelong Education and Counseling), Professor Kim Gun-Do (Dept. of Microbiology), and Professor Wang Je-Pil (Dept. of Metallurgical Engineering), contributed to academic development by publishing excellent papers in domestic and international journals on the '25th Academic Award of Pukyong National University.' In addition, Professor Lee Min-Gyu (Graduate School of Management of Technology), Professor Sohn Yoon-Seok (Dept. of Environmental Engineering), and Professor Park Yi-Seul (Dept. of Chemical Engineering) received the Research Rookies Award.


The recipients of the 13th Industry-Academic Cooperation Award of Pukyong National University, awarded to those who have contributed to the development of industry-university cooperation, such as joint research and technology transfer, were Professor Ahn Sang-Wuk (Division of International and Area Studies), Professor Lee Chang-Hee (Dept. of Mechanical Shipbuilding Convergence Engineering), Professor Kwak Ki-Ho (Graduate School of Management of Technology), and Professor Kim Kwon-Hoo (Dept. of Metallurgical Engineering).


Along with this, 10 professors, including Professor Shim Kil-Bo (Dept. of Food Science and Technology), received the Award of University Development Contributor and Professor Park Won-Gyu (Dept. of Marine Biology), Professor Ahn Sang-Wuk (Division of International and Area Studies), and Park Jin-Wook (Chief Director, Division of General Administration) were awarded the Alumni Association Award.


As long-term service contributors, 20 faculty members, including Professor Kwon Oh-Boong (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering), received a 30-year long-term service award, and 10 faculty members, including Professor Lee Jae-Yong (Dept. of Architectural Engineering), received a 20-year long-term service award. The students' special reward was awarded to 32 students, including Jeong In-Hyeok (Dept. of Marine Bio-materials and Aquaculture). <Pukyong Today>