국립 부경대학교





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작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
기상청 연구과제 부경대가 이끈다(PKNU undertakes the Korea Meteorological Administration's Research Project)
작성자 대외협력과 작성일 2021-07-02
조회수 474
작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
기상청 연구과제 부경대가 이끈다(PKNU undertakes the Korea Meteorological Administration's Research Project)
대외협력과 2021-07-02 474

부경대, 도시 기상 예측·활용체계 구축한다
- 기상청 ‘스마트시티 기상기후 융합기술’ 사업공모에 3개 과제 선정
0702 기상청 부경투데이 기상청 교수님 10702 기상청 부경투데이 기상청 교수님 2
△이동인, 김재진 교수.

국립부경대학교(총장 장영수)가 기상청의 ‘2021 스마트시티 기상기후 융합기술 개발’ 사업공모에 모두 3개 과제가 선정돼 눈길을 끈다.

부경대는 기상청의 이번 사업 공모에 주관연구기관으로 2개 사업, 공동연구기관으로 1개 사업에 선정됐다고 30일 밝혔다.

이번 사업은 기상청이 도시민의 안전과 생활편익 증진을 위한 기상기후 융합기술을 구현·확산하고, 기상기후데이터의 가치 확산을 위한 고해상도 기상정보를 실시간 생산 및 유통하기 위해 공모한 것이다.

이번 사업 선정으로 부경대는 환경대기과학과 이동인 교수와 김재진 교수를 연구책임교수로 IoT(사물인터넷) 등 첨단 기술을 활용해 도시를 중심으로 한 3차원 기상 분석·예측 기술을 개발하고, 기상관측 활용체계를 구축하는 등 연구개발에 나선다.

이동인 교수 연구팀은 ‘스마트시티 고해상도 기상관측 활용체계 연구’ 주관기관으로 선정돼 세종대, ㈜동녘 등 기관과 공동으로 2022년까지 총 10억 원을 지원받아 기상관측 자료를 이용해 고해상도 3차원으로 격자화한 도시기상 관측 활용체계의 최적안 마련을 추진한다.

도시 기상 고해상도 관측망 구축방안을 제시함으로써 국내 도심지에 기상관측망 구축 효율을 높이고, IoT 도시기상 관측자료 메타데이터를 표준화해 스마트시티 기상정보의 활용성을 극대화할 계획이다.

특히 이동인 교수 연구팀은 이번 사업의 ‘스마트시티 안전·도로위험기상정보 서비스 생산기술 개발’ 과제의 공동연구기관으로 참여, 2024년까지 3억6천만 원을 지원받아 ‘IoT 기반 고해상도 위험기상정보 산출 기술 프로토타입 개발’ 연구도 함께 진행한다.

이와 함께 김재진 교수 연구팀은 ‘스마트시티 기상분석장·예측장 생산기술 개발’을 주관하며 ㈜미래기후, 공주대 등 기관과 함께 2024년까지 총 18억5천만 원을 지원받아 스마트시티 기상기후 융합 서비스 제공을 위한 고해상도 3차원 기상분석장(기상 관측값과 배경값을 조합한 값) 및 예측장 생산기술을 개발한다.

도시 규모의 3차원 고해상도 기상장 생산기술을 개발하고, 이를 지상 기상 관측 자료와 결합하는 기술을 확보할 계획이다. 이 같은 기술이 개발되면 도시 지역의 강풍, 폭염 등 기상재해 피해 대책을 수립하고, 미세먼지 등 도시 환경문제 해결을 위한 기초 자료로 활용할 수 있게 될 전망이다. <부경투데이>


PKNU, builds urban weather forecasting application system

- Selected for three projects on the 'Meteorology and Climate Convergence Technology for Smart City' by Korea Meteorological Administration


Pukyong National University (President Jang Young-Soo) is attracting public attention as all three weather forecasting projects developed by the university were selected for the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA)'s 'Meteorology and Climate Convergence Technology for Smart City, 2021' development project.


Pukyong National University announced on the 30th that the university has been selected to be the institute in charge of the research for two projects, and one project as a joint research institute in a contest by the Korea Meteorological Administration.


The Korea Meteorological Administration publicly invited interested parties to implement and spread integrated meteorological and climate technology to enhance the safety and convenience of city residents, and to produce and distribute high-resolution weather information in real time.


As Pukyong National University has been selected for this project, the university will start research on developing three-dimensional weather analysis and prediction technology centered on cities using advanced technologies, such as the IoT (Internet of Things), and establishing a meteorological observation utilization system with Professor Lee Dong-In and Professor Kim Jae-Jin of the Department of Environmental Atmospheric Sciences as head research professors.


Professor Lee Dong-In's research team was named as the leading institution for the 'Research on High-resolution Meteorological Prediction and Application System for Smart City', and the team will receive a total of 1 billion won by 2022 in collaboration with organizations such as Sejong University and The East Co., Ltd. to promote the development of an optimal method for using high-resolution three-dimensional urban weather grid observation data.


By proposing a construction scheme for a high-resolution urban weather observation network, the research team plans to increase the efficiency by building a weather observation network in urban areas in Korea and maximizing the utility of smart city meteorological information by standardizing the metadata, which is the IoT urban weather observation data.


Particularly, Professor Lee Dong-In's research team will participate in a joint research institute for the research project 'Development of Weather Information Service Technology for Safety and Road Risk of Smart City', the team will receive 360 million won by 2024 to conduct research on the ‘Development for IoT-based High-resolution Extreme Weather Calculating Prototype'.


Along with this, Professor Kim Jae-Jin's research team will be in charge of the 'Development of Manufacturing Technology for Meteorological Analysis Field and Forecasting Field for smart cities,' and will receive a total of 1.85 billion won by 2024 in cooperation with Mirae Climate Co., Ltd. and Kongju National University, to develop a high-resolution 3D meteorological analysis field (a combination of weather observations and background values) and forecast field production technology to provide meteorological and combined climate services for smart cities.


The research team plans to develop a technology for producing a high-resolution three-dimensional meteorological images on an urban scale and secure a technology to combine it with meteorological ground observation data. If such technology is developed, it is expected to be able to set up countermeasures against meteorological disasters such as strong winds and heat waves in urban areas, and to be used to collect basic data to aid in resolving urban environmental problems such as fine dust. <Pukyong Today>