국립 부경대학교





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작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
건축공모전 대상 주인공은 부경대생! (Pukyong students, grand winner of the architectural design contest!)
작성자 대외협력과 작성일 2021-07-06
조회수 707
작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
건축공모전 대상 주인공은 부경대생! (Pukyong students, grand winner of the architectural design contest!)
대외협력과 2021-07-06 707

부경대생, ‘근대도시건축 디자인공모전’ 대상 수상
- 광주 일신방직공장 활용 도시재생 건축디자인으로

0706 대상수상자들 기념촬영 사진
△ 대상 수상자들 기념촬영 사진

국립부경대학교(총장 장영수) 학생들이 (사)근대도시건축연구회 주최 ‘2021 근대도시건축 디자인공모전’에서 대상(문화재청장상)을 수상했다.

부경대 건축학과 장영준(5학년)·이태룡(4학년)·조명훈(4학년) 학생 팀(지도교수 오장환)은 ‘전남, 일신방직의 산업유산적 가치와 새로운 도시재생의 방향’을 주제로 최근 열린 이번 공모전에서 ‘실을 만드는 공장에서 문화를 만드는 광장으로’ 작품으로 상금 500만원의 대상을 받았다.

부경대생들은 전국 일반인과 대학생 150여 팀이 참가한 이번 공모전에서 일신방직공장 보전과 활용을 통한 도시재생 건축디자인 프로젝트로 참가팀 가운데 가장 우수한 평가를 받았다.

이들이 제시한 디자인은 방직산업의 메카였던 전남 광주 일신방직공장 부지의 역사적 가치를 보전하고 새롭게 해석함으로써 도심 속에서 시민들을 위한 복합 문화공간으로 탈바꿈시킨 것이다.

이들은 공장의 기존 화력 발전소를 공연장 및 이벤트홀로 활용하는 것을 비롯, 보일러실은 예술가 쉼터로, 원료창고는 라키비움(도서관·기록관·박물관 복합공간)으로, 실공장은 공방시설인 아트플랫폼으로 활용하는 건축디자인을 제시했다.

이와 함께 10만평에 이르는 공장 부지를 유기적으로 연결하고 통일감을 주기 위해 통로형 건물을 새롭게 설계해 적용하고 기존 공장의 기계들을 전시하는 공간으로 활용하도록 했다.

심사위원들은 이 작품에 대해 “기존 산업유산과 결합된 다양하고 창의적인 제안이 인상적인 작품으로, 실제 구현이 가능하다고 상상될 정도로 디테일하게 묘사돼 제출 작품 중 가장 완성도가 높다.”라고 평했다.

부경대 장영준 학생은 “역사적 건축물을 있는 그대로 보존하는 것이 아닌, 그 의미를 재해석해 지역의 문화 랜드마크로 발돋움할 수 있는 방안을 고민해 적용한 것이 좋은 결과를 가져온 것 같다.”라고 말했다. <부경투데이>


0706 건축디자인 메인 이미지
△ 건축 디자인 메인 이미지


Pukyong students won the grand prize in the ‘Modern Urban Architecture Design Contest’!

- To a regeneration design of urban using old Ilshin Gwanju textile Square


Students at Pukyong National University (President Jang Young-Soo) won the grand prize (awarded by the Administrator of Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea) at the ‘Modern Urban Architecture Design Competition’ hosted by the Society of Korean Modern Architecture & Urbanism.


A student team (Advisory Prof. Oh Jang-Hwan) composed of Jang Young-Joon (5th grade), Lee Tae-Ryong (4th), and Jo Myeong-Hoon (4th) from the Department of Architecture at Pukyong National University participated in the competition with the theme of 'New Urban Regeneration of the Old Jeonnam & Ilshin Textile Industry Factory Site in Gwangju', and received the grand prize of 5 million won for their work called 'From the factory that made thread to the plaza that made culture= Ilshin Textile Square'.


The student team from Pukyong National University received the most excellent evaluation among participating teams for their urban regeneration architectural design project through the preservation and utilization of the Ilshin Spinning Mill Square in the contest in which 150 teams of public and university students from all over the country participated.


Their design preserves the historical value of the Ilshin Textile Square in Gwangju, Jeollanam-do, which was the mecca for the textile industry in Korea, and by reinterpreting it while at the same time transforming it into a complex cultural space for citizens in the city center.


Their suggested architectural design includes using the existing steam power plant in the factory as a concert and event hall, using the boiler room as a resting place for artists, using the raw material warehouse as a Larchiveum (combined of Library+Archive+Museum), and using the space of the thread factory as an art platform and workshop facility.


In order to organically connect the 3,306factory site and to create a unified look, the design that students made showed how to design and apply a new tunnel to link the buildings and use it as a space to display the machines from the existing factory.


The judges commented, "Their work is impressive in its diversity and creative proposals combined with the existing industrial heritage, and it is the most complete among the submitted works because they described their plans in detail so that anyone can imagine that the designs are feasible."


Jang Young-Joon, a student participant from Pukyong National University said, "Rather than preserving historical buildings as they are, it seems to have brought good results to our team by reinterpreting their meaning and applying them as a way to develop the location into a local cultural landmark." <Pukyong Today>