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  • 국립 부경대학교의 다양한 모습과 소식을 접하시면 부경대학교가 한번 더 가까워집니다.
작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
김동연 전 경제부총리 초청특강 열려(A guest lecture by Kim Dong-Yeon, Former Economic Minister)
작성자 대외협력과 작성일 2021-07-30
조회수 440
작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
김동연 전 경제부총리 초청특강 열려(A guest lecture by Kim Dong-Yeon, Former Economic Minister)
대외협력과 2021-07-30 440

“하고 싶은 일 찾고, 시행착오 겪을 수 있는 기회 줘야.”
- 김동연 전 경제부총리 초청특강 … ‘대학 교육의 금기 깨기’ 주제로
0730 부투 김동연 1
△ 김동연 전 경제부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관이 강연을 하고 있다. ⓒ사진 이성재(대외홍보팀)


부경대학교가 7월 30일 김동연 전 경제부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관 초청특강을 개최했다.

이날 오전 부경대 대연캠퍼스 동원장보고관 1층 아카데미홀에서 열린 이번 행사는 2021년 부경CEO행복인문학콘서트의 여름 특강으로 마련됐다.

김동연 전 경제부총리는 이날 참석자들을 대상으로 ‘대학 교육의 금기 깨기’를 주제로 강연을 펼쳤다.

김동연 전 경제부총리는 “금기란 우리가 바꿔야겠다는 생각도 못하는 것, 바꿀 엄두도 못 내는 것들을 말한다. 상상력 부족으로 금기를 깨기 힘들지만, 한번 깨지면 봇물 터지듯 금기가 깨지게 된다.”라고 강조했다.

그는 대학 교육의 금기를 깬 사례로 대학 총장 시절 시행했던 ‘파란학기제’를 예로 들며 “대학교육에 파란을 일으켜보겠다는 취지로 학생들이 직접 해보고 싶은 공부, 활동을 신청 받아 교과목으로 실제로 개설했더니 교수들이 상상도 못한 과목들이 나왔다. 이처럼 대학은 학생들이 하고 싶은 일을 찾는 시도를 하고, 시행착오도 경험할 수 있는 기회를 제공해줘야 한다.”라고 말했다.

이어 “이제 서울대를 따라가려고 해서는 안 된다. 주도적으로 특성화해야 대학이 살아남을 수 있다.”라면서, “교육부 규제도 많지만, 대학 자체의 규제도 너무 많다. 이런 규제를 찾는 것으로부터 금기 깨기를 시작해야 한다.”라고 주문했다.

김동연 전 경제부총리는 또 “지금처럼 기회가 적고, 그 적은 기회마저 고르게 주어지지 않는 상황에서는 공공기관의 지역인재 할당제, 대학 입시의 지역인재전형과 같은 기회할당제가 확대돼야 한다.”라고 밝혔다. 

한편 이날 행사는 코로나19 확산 방지와 방역수칙 준수를 위해 장영수 총장과 본부 보직자 등만 참석한 가운데 진행됐다. <부경투데이>


△ 강연을 펼치고 있는 김동연 전 경제부총리


△ 동원장보고관 1층 아카데미홀에서 진행된 특강 모습.

△ 참석자들이 행사 후 단체 기념촬영하고 있다. 

0730 부투 김동연2

△ 김동연 전 경제부총리(왼쪽)과 장영수 총장이 기념촬영하고 있다. 

"Give students an opportunity to find what they want to do and a chance to go through trial and error."

- Kim Dong-Yeon, former Deputy Prime Minister of Economy's guest lectureUnder the theme of 'Breaking the Taboo of University Education'


Pukyong National University held a special lecture on July 30th by inviting Kim Dong-Yeon, former Deputy Prime Minister of Economy and Minister of Strategy and Finance.


This morning, the event was held at the Academy Hall on the first floor of the Dongwon Jang Bogo Hall on the Daeyeon Campus of Pukyong National University and was held under the title of a special summer lecture of the Pukyong CEO Happy Humanities Concert 2021.


Former Economic Minister, Kim Dong-Yeon, gave a lecture on the subject of 'Breaking the Taboo of University Education' to the participants.


Kim Dong-Yeon, former Deputy Prime Minister of the Economy, said, "Taboos are things we do not even think we should change, or like things we do not even dare to change. It is difficult to break the taboo due to the lack of human imagination, but once it is broken, the taboo will trigger another taboo-breaking."


As an example of breaking the taboo of university education, he mentioned the 'PARAN own curriculum semester' that he implemented while he was the president of a university, "With the intention of causing a stir up troubles in university education, students applied for studies and activities they wanted to try and actually opened them as subjects, and subjects that professors could not have imagined came out. In this way, universities should provide opportunities for students to try to find what they want to do and experience trial and error."


"Universities should not try to follow Seoul National University anymore. Universities can survive only when they take the lead in characterization," he continued, "Although there are many regulations from the Ministry of Education, there are also too many regulations of the university itself. We need to find these regulations and start breaking taboos."


Kim Dong-Yeon, former Economic Minister also said, "In a situation where opportunities are few and even the few opportunities are not given evenly, I believe that the opportunity allocation recruitment such as the regional allocation of high-qualified human resource recruitment for public institutions and the local talent selection for university entrance exams should be expanded."


The event was held in the presence of only President Jang Young-Soo and officials from the university headquarters in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and comply with quarantine rules. <Pukyong Today>