국립 부경대학교





  • 국립 부경대학교의 다양한 모습과 소식을 접하시면 부경대학교가 한번 더 가까워집니다.
작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
"참전용사 잊지 않을게요" ("We never forget our veterans")
작성자 대외협력과 작성일 2021-08-06
조회수 449
작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
"참전용사 잊지 않을게요" ("We never forget our veterans")
대외협력과 2021-08-06 449

부경대생-사진작가 라미 현, “부산 학도병 잊지 않겠습니다”
- 5일 부경대서 참전용사 사진촬영 보은행사 개최

0806 부경투데이 1
△ 라미 현 사진작가(오른쪽)가 참전용사들에게 사진액자를 증정하고 있다. ⓒ사진 이성재(대외홍보팀)

한국전쟁 참전용사들을 위해 수년간 보은행사를 펼쳐온 대학생들과 사진작가가 부산 지역 학도병 참전용사들을 위한 특별한 행사를 마련해 눈길을 끈다.

국립부경대학교(총장 장영수) 학생평화봉사단 UN서포터즈(회장 황민혜)와 사진작가 라미 현(본명 현효제)은 5일 오후 부경대 동원장보고관 1층 아카데미홀에서 ‘한국전쟁 참전용사(학도병) 사진촬영 보은행사’를 개최했다.

이번 행사는 한국전쟁에 참전했던 부산 지역 학도병들을 초청, 사진을 촬영해 선물하고 보은행사를 열어 이들에게 감사의 마음을 전하기 위해 마련됐다.

이날 부경대생들은 70여 년 전 의무병 등 학도병으로 활약했던 참전용사 2명을 초청해 사진 촬영을 지원하고 간담회를 가졌다.

부경대 UN서포터즈는 한국전쟁 참전용사들의 은혜를 갚기 위해 지난 2009년 1기 발대 이후 올해 13년째를 맞았다. 이들은 대학 인근 세계 유일의 유엔묘지인 UN기념공원을 찾아 봉사활동을 펼치고, 방학기간에는 국내외 생존 참전용사들을 직접 찾아 보은활동을 펼친다.

지금까지 터키, 캐나다, 미국, 호주 등의 참전용사와 유가족 등 150여 명을 찾아 감사의 마음을 전했고, 지난 2019년 영국에서 참전용사를 대상으로 펼친 보은행사는 영국 BBC 방송이 직접 취재, 보도해 화제가 되기도 했다.

라미 현 사진작가는 지난 2017년부터 1500여 명의 참전용사를 촬영해 사진 액자를 선물하는 ‘프로젝트 솔저’를 진행하고 있는데, 최근 부경대생들의 이 같은 활동 소식을 접하고 깊은 인상을 받아 이번 활동을 같이하게 됐다.

이날 행사에 참석한 박기수 씨(89세)는 “열여덟의 나이로 학도병으로 참전해 목격했던 전쟁의 참상을 아직도 생생히 기억한다. 그때의 일이 되풀이되지 않도록 우리 젊은이들이 강건한 조국을 만들어주기 바란다.”라고 말했다.

UN서포터즈 회장 황민혜 학생(기계설계공학과 2학년)은 “전쟁에서 목숨을 걸고 평화를 지켜낸 학도병들을 이제 우리가 마지막까지 기억하겠다고 다짐했다. 이번 행사를 시작으로 부산은 물론 전국의 학도병과 유가족까지 보은행사를 확대해나갈 계획이다.”라고 밝혔다. <부경투데이>
0806 부경투데이 2

△ 부경UN서포터즈 학생들과 라미 현 사진작가가 참전용사들과 기념촬영하고 있다.

0806 부경투데이 3

△ 라미 현 사진작가가 참전용사 사진을 촬영하고 있다.

0804 부경투데이 4

△ 참전용사와 부경대생의 간담회 장면.



PKNU students-photographer, "I will not forget the student soldiers in Busan"

- Held a photoshoot event for veterans at Pukyong National University on the 5th


University students and photographers who have been holding a gratitude event for the Korean War veterans for several years are attracting public attention by preparing a special event for the student soldiers in the Busan area.


Pukyong National University (President Jang Young-Soo) UN Supporters which is a student peace corps (Leader Hwang Min-Hye) and photographer Rami-Hyun (real name Hyun Hyo-Je) held a 'Photo Shoot Event for Korean War Veterans (Student Soldiers)' at the Academy Hall on the 1st floor of the Dongwon Jang Bogo Hall at Pukyong National University, on the afternoon of the 5th.


This event was prepared to invite student soldiers in the Busan area who participated in the Korean War, take pictures and present them as gifts, and hold a gratitude event to express gratitude to them.


On the day, Pukyong National University students invited two veterans who were active as aidmen and student soldiers 70 years ago to support photoshoots and hold a talkfest.


Pukyong National University UN Supporters celebrated their 13th year this year after launching the 1st unit in 2009 to repay the favor of veterans of the Korean War. They visit the one and only UN Memorial Park in the world near the university to do volunteer work, and during vacations, they directly visit and hold thanks events for surviving veterans at home and abroad.


So far, UN supporters have visited more than 150 veterans and their families in Turkey, Canada, the United States, and Australia to express their gratitude. In 2019, the gratitude event they held for veterans in the UK became a hot topic that BBC directly covered and reported it.


Since 2017, photographer Rami Hyun has been conducting ‘Project Soldier’, which takes pictures of 1,500 veterans and presents them with photo frames. Recently, after hearing about Pukyong students' activities, she was deeply impressed with them and decided to join this activity.


Park Ki-Soo (age 89), who attended the event, said, "I still vividly remember the horrors of the war I witnessed as a student soldier at the age of 18. I hope that our young people will build a strong country so that the incidents of that time do not repeat themselves."


Hwang Min-Hye, the leader of UN Supporters (2nd grade, Mechanical Design Engineering) said, "We vowed to remember the student soldiers who risked their lives in war to protect the peace. Starting from this event, we plan to expand the gratitude event to student soldiers and their families in Busan as well as across the country." <Pukyong Today>