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안전관리 우수연구실은 어디?(The laboratory that has been accredited for safety management is?)
작성자 대외협력과 작성일 2021-09-16
조회수 420
작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
안전관리 우수연구실은 어디?(The laboratory that has been accredited for safety management is?)
대외협력과 2021-09-16 420

부경대 바이러스연구실, ‘안전관리 우수연구실’ 재인증
- 책임교수 미생물학과 최태진 … 2019년 인증 이은 성과

0916 부경투데이 2
△ 미생물학과의 바이러스연구실 


국립부경대학교(총장 장영수) 자연과학대학 미생물학과의 바이러스연구실(책임교수 최태진)이 ‘안전관리 우수연구실’로 재인증받았다.

미생물학과 바이러스연구실은 최근 과학기술정보통신부 산하 국가연구안전관리본부가 주관하는 2021년 2회 안전관리 우수연구실 선정심사에서 재인증받았다. 인증 기간은 2년.

‘안전관리 우수연구실 인증제’는 전문가의 심사를 통해 △안전환경 시스템 △안전환경 활동수준 △안전관리 관계자 안전의식 등 분야를 평가해 우수한 연구실에 인증을 부여하는 제도다.

미생물학과 바이러스연구실은 지난 2019년 심사에서 최우수 연구실로 선정돼 과학기술정보통신부 장관상을 받은 데 이어, 지속적인 안전관리를 통해 이번에 재인증을 받는 성과를 얻었다.

0916 부경투데이 1최태진 교수는 “이 인증을 위해서는 700쪽이 넘는 안전관리 매뉴얼과 10여 종의 문서를 관리해야 하는 등 연구활동에 부가적인 업무가 요구되지만, 안전한 연구활동을 위해 반드시 필요한 제도다. 특히 최근 기업과 연구기관에서도 이 제도를 시행하고 있어 학생들의 취업에도 도움이 되기 때문에 확산이 필요하다.”라고 강조했다.

이어 최 교수는 “다수의 안전관리 우수연구실을 확보한 다른 대학들의 사례를 참고해 안전관리 우수연구실 인증의 확대가 필요하며, 이를 위해 그동안의 경험을 적극 공유해나가겠다.”라고 말했다.

한편 부경대는 대외부총장을 센터장으로하는 안전관리센터를 운영하는 등 연구실 안전관리와 관련한 다양한 업무를 수행하고 있다. 안전관리센터는 안전관리 우수연구실 인증사업의 확대를 위해 물적, 제도적 지원을 강화하고, 신임교원 등 안전관리 우수연구실 인증에 관심 있는 교원을 대상으로 이번에 재인증을 받은 바이러스 연구실을 교육 모델로 활용할 계획이다. <부경투데이>


PKNU's Virus Lab has been re-accredited as a ‘Laboratory Recognized for Excellence in Safety Management’

- Head Prof. Choi Tae-Jin from the Dept. of Microbiology Achievements following accreditation in 2019


Pukyong National University (President Jang Young-Soo), Department of Microbiology, College of Natural Sciences, Virus Lab (Head Prof. Choi Tae-Jin) was re-accredited as an ‘Excellence in Safety Management Lab’.


The Virus Lab of the Department of Microbiology has been recently re-accredited in the second round of 2021 screening to select laboratories with excellent safety management, hosted by the National Research Safety Headquarters (NRSH) under the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT). The validation period is 2 years.


The ‘Accreditation System for Excellent Safety Management Lab’ is a system that grants accreditation to excellent laboratories by evaluating the safety environment system, safety environment activity level, and safety awareness of safety management personnel through screening by experts in this field.


The Virus Lab of the Department of Microbiology at Pukyong National University was selected as the best laboratory in the screening conducted in 2019 and received the Award of Ministry of Science and ICT. Following this, through continuous safety management, the laboratory has achieved the result of being re-certified this time.


Professor Choi Tae-Jin stressed, "To obtain this accreditation, additional work is required for research activities, such as the management of over 700 safety management manuals and 10 types of documents, but I think it is a necessary system for safe research activities. Especially, companies and research institutes have recently implemented this system, which helps students find employment, so efforts to promote this system are necessary."


He continued, "It is necessary to expand the certification of excellent safety management laboratories by referring to cases of other universities that have secured many excellent laboratories in safety management, and for this, we will make efforts to actively share our experiences."


Pukyong National University is undertaking various tasks related to laboratory safety management, such as operating a Center for Safety Management headed by the Vice President for External Affairs and Development. The Center for Safety Management plans to strengthen material and institutional support to expand the safety management excellent laboratory certification project, and use the re-accredited virus laboratory as an educational model for teachers who are interested in certification of excellent safety management laboratory, such as new teachers. <Pukyong Today>