국립 부경대학교





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작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
학부생·대학원생 함께 창업 발명품 직접 만든다(Undergraduate and graduate students collaborate for their startup inventions)
작성자 대외협력과 작성일 2021-09-29
조회수 642
작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
학부생·대학원생 함께 창업 발명품 직접 만든다(Undergraduate and graduate students collaborate for their startup inventions)
대외협력과 2021-09-29 642

부경대생들, 한국연구재단 ‘창업탐색 지원사업’ 3개 팀 선정
- 연구실 개발 발명품 시제품 제작 추진 … 지원금 9800만원
0929 투데이
△ ‘2021년도 공공기술기반 시장연계 창업탐색 지원사업’ 선정 부경대생들. 왼쪽부터 한원, 김예린, 박세빈, 임주희, 박수민, 이채원, 박서현, EMBLETON TOM JAMES. ⓒ사진 이성재(대외홍보팀)


‘편의성 높인 소형 항체 디스펜서, 피 한 방울로 급성 염증 진단하는 테스트기, 리튬이차전지 용량 높이는 양극소재’

국립부경대학교(총장 장영수)가 한국연구재단의 ‘2021년도 공공기술기반 시장연계 창업탐색 지원사업’에 3개 팀이 선정돼 눈길을 모은다.

‘공공기술기반 시장연계 창업탐색 지원사업’은 연구실 소속 젊은 연구원 중심의 실험실 창업 활성화를 통해 일자리를 창출하고 신시장 개척과 혁신성장에 기여하기 위해 지원하는 사업이다.

부경대는 이번 사업에 의공학과·4차산업융합바이오닉스공학과 2개 팀과 스마트그린기술융합공학과 1개 팀 등 3개 팀이 선정돼 총 9800만원의 지원금을 받아 실험실에서 개발한 기술을 활용한 발명품 시제품 제작에 나선다.

4차산업융합바이오닉스공학과 김예린(석사 1년), 의공학과 한원(4학년) 팀(지도교수 신중호)은 ‘체외 진단 분야 연구원의 항체 직접 분주로 인한 결과 오류를 해결하는 항체 디스펜서’ 과제로 선정됐다. 이들은 이번 과제를 통해 기존 비싼 가격과 큰 부피로 소규모 실험실에서 활용이 어려웠던 항체 디스펜서를 소형으로 제작하고, 사용자의 편의성을 높여 항원을 빠르고 쉽게 종이 위에 고정할 수 있도록 제작한다.

의공학과 박세빈(4학년), 임주희(3학년), 4차산업융합바이오닉스공학과 박수민(석사 2년) 팀(지도교수 신중호)은 ‘영유아를 위한 모세혈 CRP 검출 고감도 측면 유동 면역 크로마토그래피 시스템’ 과제로 선정됐다. 이 과제는 영유아를 대상으로 급성 염증을 진단할 때 정맥혈 채혈의 어려운 점을 해결하기 위해 손가락 끝이나 발뒤꿈치에서 피 한 방울만 뽑아도 진단할 수 있는 테스트기를 제작한다.

이와 함께 스마트그린기술융합공학과 박서현(석사 2년), 이채원(석사 1년), EMBLETON TOM JAMES(박사과정 1년) 팀(지도교수 오필건)은 ‘고용량 및 장기 수명 성능의 리튬이차전지를 위해 듀얼도핑을 이용한 양극소재’ 과제로 선정됐다. 이들은 용량이 낮은 한계가 있었던 리튬이차전지의 LCO 양극소재에 한 가지 원소만 도핑하는 기존 방법과 달리 두 가지 원소를 도핑해 구조적 안정성을 극대화하고 용량을 늘린 코발트 리치 양극소재 제작에 나선다. <부경투데이>

3 student teams of PKNU, selected for the 'Support Project for Startup Exploration' by the NRF

- Prototypes were produced and promoted for the research team's inventions ... A project with a grant KRW 98 million


'A small antibody dispenser with increased convenience, a tester that can diagnose acute inflammation with a single drop of blood, and a cathode material that increases the capacity of lithium secondary batteries'


Pukyong National University (President Jang Young-Soo) attracts public attention as three teams have been selected for the National Research Foundation's 'Public Technology-based Market Linked Startup Exploration Support Project of 2021 year'.


The ‘public technology-based market-linked start-up search support project’ is a support project to create jobs and contribute to new market development and innovative growth by activating laboratory start-ups centered on young researchers in the laboratory.


Pukyong National University has three teams selected for this project, two teams from the Biomedical Engineering, Industry 4.0 Convergence Bionics Engineering, and one team from Department of Smart Green-Tech Convergence Engineering, and they receive a total of KRW 98 million grant and start making prototypes of inventions using the technology developed in the laboratory.


Kim Ye-Rin (1st year in master's program) of the Department of 4.0 Industrial Convergence Bionics Engineering, and Han Won (4th Year)'s team from the Biomedical Engineering (Advisory Prof. Shin Joong-Ho) were selected for the project with the task of 'Antibody dispenser that can solve errors in results caused by direct dispensing of antibodies by researchers in the field of in vitro diagnostics'. Through this project, they produce an antibody dispenser in a small size, which was difficult to use in small laboratories due to its high price and large volume. And it is manufactured so that antigens can be quickly and easily fixed on paper by increasing user convenience.


The research team (Advisory Prof. Shin Joong-Ho) with Park Se-Bin (4th grade), Lim Joo-Hee (3rd grade), Park Soo-Min (2nd year in Master's) from the 4.0 Industrial Convergence Bionics Engineering participated in the project with the task of 'High-sensitivity lateral flow immunochromatography system for detecting capillary blood CRP for infants and young children'. The goal of this project is to produce a test device that can diagnose with just a drop of blood from a fingertip or heel to solve the difficulty of collecting blood from venous blood when diagnosing acute inflammation in infants and young children.


Along with this, a team (Advisory Prof. Oh Pil-Gun) of Park Seo-Hyeon (2nd Year in Master's), Lee Chae-Won (1st year in Master's), and Embleton Tom James (1st Year in Doctorate Program) from the Department of Smart Green-Tech Convergence Engineering was selected for the project 'Anode material using dual doping for lithium secondary battery with high capacity and long-life performance'. Unlike the existing method of doping only one element to the LCO cathode material of a lithium secondary battery, which had a low-capacity limit, they produced a 'cobalt-rich cathode material' that maximized structural stability and increased capacity by doping two elements. <Pukyong Today>