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작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
이웃 집 고쳐주는 부경대생들(PKNU students fixing their neighbor's house)
작성자 대외협력과 작성일 2021-11-10
조회수 642
작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
이웃 집 고쳐주는 부경대생들(PKNU students fixing their neighbor's house)
대외협력과 2021-11-10 642

부경대생들, ‘위드 코로나’ 기다려 이웃 집수리 나섰다
- PKNU 사회공헌봉사단, 6일·13일 주거환경 개선 봉사활동
1110 주거환경
△ PKNU 사회공헌 봉사단의 주거환경 개선 봉사활동을 펼치고 있다.


국립부경대학교(총장 장영수) PKNU 사회공헌봉사단(단장 손민우·해양수산경영학과 3학년)은 지난 11월 6일 캠퍼스 주변 이웃을 찾아 주거환경 개선 봉사활동을 펼쳤다.

봉사단 소속 학생 30여명은 이날 부산 남구 지역의 장애인, 독거노인 등 주거환경 취약가구 두 곳을 찾아 도배, 장판교체, 전등수리, 청소 등 집수리 봉사활동을 펼쳤다.

부경대 PKNU 사회공헌봉사단은 이웃 집수리 등 다양한 봉사활동을 펼치며 이웃사랑을 실천하는 대학생 봉사단이다.

이 봉사단은 2006년 처음 집수리 봉사활동을 시작해 해마다 여름방학이면 봉사활동을 진행해오다 올해 여름방학 때는 코로나19 확산으로 활동을 연기해야 했다.

봉사활동을 할 수 있게 되기를 기다린 이들은 지난 1일부터 단계적 일상회복, 이른바 ‘위드 코로나’가 시행되자 다시 일정을 잡고 봉사에 나섰다.

안전한 봉사활동을 위해 봉사 참가 학생들은 일찌감치 백신 접종을 마쳤고, 활동 당일에도 발열체크, 마스크 착용 등 방역수칙을 지키며 봉사를 진행했다. 

이들은 집수리 봉사활동과 함께 봉사 대상 가구가 추운겨울을 따뜻하게 보낼 수 있도록 겨울이불, 전기장판, 휴지 등 생필품도 지원했다.

부경대생들은 오는 13일에도 부산 남구 지역의 주거환경 개선이 필요한 가구 한 곳을 방문해 집수리 활동을 펼칠 계획이다.

봉사단 손민우 학생은 “집수리 가구의 어르신뿐만 아니라 주변 이웃들도 좋은 일 한다며 간식도 챙겨주며 격려해주셔서 보람차게 활동했다. 남은 봉사활동도 안전하게 열심히 해나가겠다.”라고 말했다. <부경투데이>
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A long awaited 'With Corona (Living with Corona Plan)', Pukyong students started out in repairing neighbor's houses

- PKNU Community Service Volunteers, service activities to improve the living environment on the 6th·13th


The PKNU Community Service Volunteers Group (Director Son Min-Woo · 3rd grader, Dept. of Maritime Business & Economics) of Pukyong National University (Jang Young-Soo) visited the neighbors around the campus on November 6 and helped them to improve their residential environment.


About 30 students from the volunteer group visited two households with poor housing, such as the disabled and an old people who live alone in Nam-gu, Busan, and helped with house repairs, such as painting, replacing carpets, repairing lights, and cleaning rooms.


Pukyong National University's PKNU Community Service Volunteers Group is a volunteer group made up of university students who practice true love for their neighbors while leading various service activities such as house repairs.


The volunteer group first started home repairing service in 2006, and has been conducting volunteer work every summer vacation, however, due to the spread of Corona 19, they had to postpone their service activities during this summer vacation.


As soon as the so-called 'With Corona (Living with Corona Plan)', which allows a gradual recovery of daily life from the 1st, is implemented, the students who have been waiting to be able to do volunteer service have made a schedule again and started volunteering.


Participating students completed their vaccinations early for safe volunteer activities, and on the day of the activity, they served volunteering service by following quarantine rules such as temperature checks and wearing masks.


In addition to home repair volunteer activities, they also provided daily necessities such as winter blankets, electric pad, and toilet rolls so that the volunteer subject can stay warm this cold winter.


Pukyong students plan to visit a household in need of improvement residential environment in Nam-gu, Busan, and serve house repair activities on coming 13th.


Son Min-Woo in the volunteer group said, "Not only the seniors in the household where we helped the house repairs, but also the neighbors who encouraged us saying 'you guys are doing a great job', brought us snacks, so I could keep working with happiness. I will do my best for the rest of the volunteering service safely." <Pukyong Today>