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부경대생 창업아이템 '상금 2천만원'(PKNU student's start-up item worth '20 million won prize money')
작성자 대외협력과 작성일 2021-12-01
조회수 503
작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
부경대생 창업아이템 '상금 2천만원'(PKNU student's start-up item worth '20 million won prize money')
대외협력과 2021-12-01 503

“군인 택배 대신 배송해드려요” 대학생 스타트업 ‘주목’
- 부경대생, ‘K-스타트업 왕중왕전’ 상금 2천만 원 산림청장상
211201 .........
△ 도전! K-스타트업 2021 왕중왕전에서 수상 후 기념촬영하고 있는 유재성 씨(오른쪽).


“부모님, 지인들에게 부탁하던 택배 배송, 저희가 대신 해드립니다.”

대학생들이 우체국 택배만 받을 수 있는 군인들을 위해 온라인 쇼핑몰에서 구매한 상품을 대신 배송해주는 회사를 창업해 주목받고 있다.

국립부경대학교(총장 장영수) 에너지자원공학과 4학년 유재성 씨(27세)와 수산생명의학과 3학년 권순우 씨(25세)가 창업한 ‘㈜주다’가 그곳.

부경대생들은 군인 택배 배송 대행 서비스 ‘밀리버리’를 ㈜주다의 사업모델로 내세웠다. 군인들이 온라인쇼핑몰에서 구매한 상품을 회사에서 대신 수령한 뒤, 우체국 택배를 이용해 소속 부대로 보내주는 방식이다.

㈜주다 대표 유재성 씨는 “조사결과 우체국 택배를 이용하는 온라인쇼핑몰은 전체의 10%가 채 되지 않았다. 이 서비스를 이용하면 군인들이 온라인쇼핑몰에서 구매한 물건을 부대로 배송 받기 위해 부모 혹은 지인에게 부탁해 택배 대리 수령과 우체국 택배로 재발송하는 불편함을 해결하는 것은 물론, 택배 물건도 빨리 받을 수 있다.”라고 말했다.

㈜주다는 창업한 지 몇 개월 되지 않았지만 이 서비스에 가입한 군인 회원 수는 2500명이 넘는다. 회원들에게 대행수수료를 받는 방식으로 수익을 내지만 우체국과 대량 택배 계약으로 택배 단가를 낮춰 이용자들의 부담도 대폭 줄일 계획이다.

이들은 이 창업모델로 지난 17일 열린 국내 최대 창업경진대회 ‘도전! K-스타트업 2021 왕중왕전’에서 상금 2천만 원의 산림청장상을 수상했고, 이에 앞서 열린 제7회 부산 창업아이디어 경진대회에서도 최우수상을 수상했다. 창업모델은 특허로도 출원했다.

유재성 씨는 “이번 사업모델에 그치지 않고 군인들이 우체국 택배를 거치지 않고 모든 운송사의 택배를 바로 받을 수 있는 구독형 서비스인 밀리버리 프라임 공개를 준비하고 있고, 군인들이 언제 어떤 물건들이 필요한지 데이터를 쌓아 군인들이 원하는 물건을 당일 배송할 수 있는 군인 전용 쇼핑몰을 여는 것이 목표.”라고 밝혔다.

한편 부경대생들은 이 창업모델로 부경대 링크플러스사업단 취창업지원센터 지원사업에 이어 중소벤처기업부의 생애최초 청년창업 지원사업에도 잇달아 선정되며 창업역량을 키워왔다. <부경투데이>

"We provide a courier service for soldiers instead," a PKNU student startup is in the spotlight

- PKNU student received Minister Prize from the Korea Forest Service with 20 million won prize in the K-startup King of the Kings Competition


"We take care of the courier service that you asked for to your parents and friends."


College students are attracting attention from the public by establishing a company that delivers goods purchased from online shopping malls for military personnel who can only receive postal delivery.


Juda Co., Ltd., founded by Yoo Jae-Sung (age 27), a 4th grader at Department of Energy Resources Engineering and Kwon Soon-Woo (age 25), a 3rd year student at the Department of Aquatic Life Medicine of Pukyong National University (President Jang Young-Soo).


Pukyong students set up the military delivery service 'Milivery' as their business model of the company Juda. It is provided in a way that soldiers purchase products purchased from online shopping malls at the company instead of receiving them, and then send them to their units using the post office courier.


Yoo Jae-Sung, CEO of Juda said, "As a result of the survey, online shopping malls using post office delivery accounted for less than 10% of the total shopping malls. This service not only solves the problem of soldiers having to ask their parents or friends to pick up the parcel instead to have the items purchased from the online shopping mall delivered to their troops, and the inconvenience of re-sending by courier at the post office, but also they can get the parcel delivered quickly."


The company Juda was founded just a few months ago, but the number of members who have signed up for this service is over 2,500 soldiers. Although the company is making money by receiving an agency fee from its members, it plans to significantly reduce the burden on users by lowering the unit price of delivery through a bulk delivery contract with the post office.


In the ‘King of Kings, K-Startup Challenge 2021', the largest start-up competition in Korea held on the 17th, they received an award from the Minister of the Korea Forest Service with 20 million won in prize money for this start-up model. They also won the grand prize at the 7th Busan Startup Idea Contest held earlier. Their start-up model has also applied for a patent.


Yoo Jae-Sung said, "Rather than focusing on this business model, we are preparing to release Milivery Prime membership, a subscription service that allows soldiers to receive parcels from any courier company directly without going through the post office delivery service. Our goal is to open a military-only shopping mall where soldiers can collect data on what items they need and when they need it and deliver the items they want on the same day."


Pukyong University students have been developing their start-up competency by successively being selected for first-time start-up support project by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, following a support project held by Enterprise Support Contact Center of LINC+, Pukyong National University with this start-up model. <Pukyong Today>