연 7천만 원 지원받아 연구 전념한다(Focusing on research with a grant of 70 million won yearly) | |||
작성자 | 대외협력과 | 작성일 | 2023-06-01 |
조회수 | 674 |
연 7천만 원 지원받아 연구 전념한다(Focusing on research with a grant of 70 million won yearly) | |||||
대외협력과 | 2023-06-01 | 674 |
부경대, 교육부 ‘창의·도전연구기반지원’ 사업 15명 선정
- 연구교수·계약교수·박사후연구원 등 선정 … 1인당 연 7천만 원 지원
국립부경대학교(총장 장영수)는 교육부와 한국연구재단의 2023년 이공분야 학문균형발전지원사업(창의·도전연구기반)에 15명의 연구진이 최종 선정됐다고 밝혔다.
창의·도전연구기반사업은 대학의 연구 전문인력이 독립적이고 창의적인 연구에 도전할 수 있도록 안정적인 연구 기회를 제공하기 위해 지원하는 사업이다.
부경대는 이번 사업에 학과, 부서, 연구소, 사업단 등에 소속된 연구교수, 계약교수, 박사후연구원 등 총 15명의 연구진이 선정됐다.
최종 선정자는 박진영(전기전자소프트웨어공학전공), Thangavel Balamurug-an(스마트짐기반 액티브 시니어 헬스케어중개연구센터), 김귀수(기초과학연구소), 김현주(활성단층및지진재해저감연구소), 오주현(산학협력단), 황주영(산학협력단), 배영훈(지능형화재안전기술및행동과학연구소), 박수청(방위과학기술연구소), 김지현(융복합인프라기술연구소), 이예찬(해양바이오닉스융합기술센터), KHAN FAZLURRAHMAN(해양바이오닉스융합기술센터), 김태희(해양바이오닉스융합기술센터), 김미보(산학협력단), 배지은(임용예정), 정재용(임용예정) 등이다.
이들은 이번 선정으로 1년에서 3년까지 연 최대 7천만 원의 연구비를 지원받아 각각 독창적인 연구 활동을 펼칠 예정이다. <부경투데이>
15 faculty from PKNU selected for the creative and challenging research-based support project hosted by the MOE
- incl. research professors, part-time professors, postdoctoral fellows … each will receive 70 million won per year.
Pukyong National University (President Jang Young-Soo) announced that 15 researchers were finally selected for the 2023 support project for academic balance and development in science and engineering (based on creative and challenging research) hosted by the Ministry of education and the National research foundation of Korea.
The creative and challenging research-based project is a government-supported project to provide stable research opportunities for university research professionals to challenge independent and creative research.
A total of 15 researchers including research professors, part-time professors, and postdoctoral fellows belonging to division, departments, research institutes, and project groups from Pukyong National University have been selected for this project.
The finalists are Park Jin-Young (dept. of electrical, electronics and software engineering), Thangavel Balamurug-an (smart gym-based active senior healthcare intermediation research center), Kim Gui-Soo (basic science research center), Kim Hyeon-Joo (active fault & earthquake hazard mitigation research institute), Oh Joo-Hyeon (industry-university cooperation foundation), Hwang Joo-Young (industry-university cooperation foundation), Bae Young-Hoon (research institute of intelligent fire safety technology and human behavioral science), Park Soo-Cheong (The protection research center), Kim Ji-Hyeon (multidisciplinary infra-technology research), Lee Ye- Chan (research center for marine integrated bionics technology), Khan Fazlurrah Man (research center for marine integrated bionics technology), Kim Tae-Hee (research center for marine integrated bionics technology), Kim Mi-Bo (industry-university cooperation foundation), Bae Ji-Eun (eligible candidate for appointment), and Jeong Jae-Yong (eligible candidate for appointment).
As they are selected for this research team, they will be supported with research funds of up to 70 million won per year from 1 to 3 years, and each will carry out original research activities. <Pukyong Today>